12月28日 张小玲:Soft Power in the 21stCentury: Sources and Resources
主 题:SoftPower in the 21st Century: Sources and Resources
时 间:2016年12月28日(周三)18:30-20:30
地 点:虹口校区逸夫图书馆6楼604会议厅
主讲人:张小玲 副教授
Introduction to the speaker
Dr Xiaoling Zhang, Associate Professor of ContemporaryChinese Studies; founding head of the School of Contemporary Chinese Studies,University of Nottingham’s Ningbo Campus, China; Senior Fellow, China PolicyInstitute; Deputy Curriculum Director, School of Politics and InternationalRelations, University of Nottingham
Dr Xiaoling Zhang's recent research interests arepolitical communication and public diplomacy. She has published widely on theshifting cultural and media landscapes in China, especially the new mediatechnologies. Her recent publications include China’s image building andpromotion of soft power as well as its perceptions. She explores how Chinapromotes its soft power, assesses its impact, and implications for theOBOR.
Dr Zhang is at the moment working with 5 PhDcandidates.
This talkwill first introduce the concept of soft power, how it has been embraced bypoliticians and academics around the world, and the debates around it. It thengoes on to examine China’s (cultural) soft power, its practice, its reception,opportunities and challenges. By introducing the various debates around theconcept and by giving examples for illustrating the speakers’ argument, thetalk aims to advance listeners’ knowledge of the concept at both thetheoretical and empirical levels.
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