12月20日 Peter' Mah, Sylvia Whitton:The Renaissance Culture


The Renaissance Culture

主题:The Renaissance Culture

主讲人:Peter' Mah,Sylvia Whitton





Professor Peter' Mah: Full Professor at Ontario College of Arts and Design, Canada;

Professor Sylvia Whitton: Chair of First-Year studies at Ontario College of Arts and Design, Canada


<1> The Renaissance and its Impact

This lecture examines the artistic development of the Renaissance, primarily focusing on the 15th and 16th century in Florence and Venice, Italy. Society achieved an unprecedented level of economic success which allowed patronage in the arts for both civic beautification and private enjoyment, encouraging the individual genius of artists like Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo. The complex politics of the time and the influence of the Church will be discussed.

<2>Art historians talk about how art fits into history. An artist can illuminate how the history fits into art.
The Lecture will examine a variety of artworks from the Renaissance through the eyes of a professional artist, and will show how theradical social and political changes happening in Florence Italy at that time, are revealed in the deepest structures of artistic expression. The technological advances of that age, combined with the emergence of individualism, liberate some, limit others, and bring Western Art to the doors of modernity. Professor Whitton speaks from her personal experiences of living and teaching in Florence, and from her observations of the aesthetic abstracts of artistic production.




