宣讲地点:Register in advance for this meeting:
宣 讲 人:Roberto Napoli, Ph.D. Assistant to the Rector (校长助理)
University of Trento, Italy
蒋京辰 上海外国语大学国际金融贸易学院2017届硕士研究生
主 持 人:孙建副教授 上海外国语大学国际金融贸易学院
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The University of Trento (UniTrento) is widely recognized as the best Italian public University and is very competitive at European level. An innovative teaching approach, its international outreach, a tailored academic offer and top quality services make the Trento experience unforgettable for students from many different countries.
Despite its small size, UniTrento scores high in the international rankings: best Italian University in the Times Higher Education - THE Ranking 2014 and among the top 200 worldwide in 2015 and 2016.
Trento is a comprehensive University, i.e. it offers Bachelors, Masters and PhDs in all areas, except Medicine. In most Bachelors, Italian is the official language, while most Masters and all PhDs are taught in English.
It is widely connected with top institutions around the world.
Its teaching methodology is up to date, mostly applied in nature, and innovative. EAIE, the most prominent European Association for International Education, recognized UniTrento as the second most innovative University in Europe in its “Innovation in Internationalization Award 2014”. UniTrento is also the only Italian public university represented in the EAIE General Council.
Around 10% of the student population is international but no nationality is over-represented in class. This is because the value of diversity is highly recognized and a multicultural interaction among students of many different nationalities is part of the experience in Trento.
2. SISU and UniTrento
SISU and Trento signed an agreement in 2014. SISU students can study International Management, Innovation Management or Economics at Master level for three semesters in Trento (in English language), then go back to Shanghai and complete their studies. Upon completion of the program, they will be awarded both the Master’s Degree from SISU and the Master’s Degree from Trento (fully integrated in the European system and recognized worldwide).
Tuition fees are reduced for SISU students. 2000 euros per semester
SISU students will be accommodated in the new University dorms, fully furnished and within walking distance from the university.
SISU students will have the possibility to get connected with the vivid local Chinese community but will be asked to fully integrate with local students too, according to the UniTrento integration policy. This is the best way for SISU students to get the most out of the Trento experience and go back to Shanghai with a solid background of knowledge and experiences. They will grow as persons and get self confident and skilled to start a successful international career.
Tuition | 2000euros per semester |
3. 宣讲人简介
Roberto Napoli collected several experiences in different sectors and countries before starting his career at the University of Trento (Italy) as an “International Graduate Programs Manager” eight years ago. He worked as a radio reporter both in Italy (Radio RAIUNO) and in Austria (ORF-Radio1476), served as a Business Developer at the Chamber of Commerce in Trieste, Italy and was visiting researcher at the ZEW – Centre for European Economic Research, Mannheim, Germany during his PhD.
As an Assistant to the Rector, his current specific task is to enlarge the international student population on campus. Overall, his main task is to enhance international students’ experience in Trento especially in the area of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. He serves as a mentor for young Start Ups especially in Trento’s labs of Business and Entrepreneurship devoted to students of Management, Computer Science, Engineering and Cognitive Science.
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