主 题:Economic Quality in America
时 间:2015年6月1日(周一) 18:30—20:30
地 点:虹口校区逸夫图书馆6楼606会议厅
主讲人:Stephen Paul Miller教授
Dr. StephenPaul Miller, Professor ofEnglish, has made substantial contributions in various facets of cultural andliterary studies and poetry. “Stephen Paul Miller is an established Americancritic,” says Timothy Gray In Contemporary Literature. Critics note synergybetween his criticism and poetry. “Miller’s work,” comments David Shapiro “isan amazing synthesis of experimental and narrative modes. An astonishingcreative and critical force, he’s the most radical poet-critic I know.”
NewYork University, Ph.D., American Studies, concentrations in Americanliterature, art, history, and rhetoric, May 1990. Dissertation: Three Self-Consuming Mechanisms of theMid-Seventies: John Ashbery’s “Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror,” the WatergateAffair, and Jasper Johns’s Crosshatching Paintings. Advisor: Perry Meisel.My dissertation used similarities between Ashbery’s poem, Watergate, andJohns’s mid-seventies crosshatch paintings to understand the 1970’s.
CityCollege of New York, M.A., American Studies, May 1983.
CityCollege of New York, B.A., English, May 1972.
NEHSummer Seminar for College Professors participant: “Culture and Democracy:Emerging American Literatures” with John Brenkman, 1995.
School of Criticism andTheory, Dartmouth College, study with Eve KosofskySedgewick, Ross Chambers,1992; study with W.J.T Mitchell, Hortense Spillers, 1990.
St.John’s University, Professor of English, 2005-present.
St.John’s University, Associate Professor of English, 1998-2005.
ColumbiaUniversity, Contemporary Fiction, Summer 2001.
JagiellonianUniversity, Krakow, Poland, Fulbright Senior Scholar, 1996-1997
St.John’s University, Assistant Professor, 1992-1998.
APolitics as Ridiculous as the Armory Show: Frances Perkins, Economic Rights,and the Triumph of Social Work. Palgrave Macmillan.Forthcoming 2015.
The Seventies Now: Culture and Surveillance,Duke University Press, Durham, N.C., 1999 [reviewed in American Literature, San Francisco Chronicle. The Utne Reader, Rethinking History,Bookforum,Muse, Book/Mark, Long Island Voice,European Journal of American Culture, AmericanLiterary Scholarship, PostmodernCulture, Choice, Journal of American History, Modern Fiction Studies].
RadicalPoetics and Secular Jewish Culture, co-edited with Daniel Morris, University ofAlabama Press, 2009. [reviewed in RainTaxi, Zeek, Tikkun, Jewish Week].
The Scene of Our Selves: New Work on New YorkSchool Poetry, co-edited with TerenceDiggory, University of Maine: National Poetry Foundation, 2000 [reviewed in Contemporary Literature, Rain Taxi, American Book Review].
Any Lie You Tell Will Bethe Truth. Forthcoming 2016.
There’s Only One God andYou’re Not It, Marsh Hawk Press, 2012.
FortDad, Marsh Hawk Press, 2009.
Beingwith a Bullet, Talisman, 2007. [reviewed in Jacket.]
Skinny Eighth Avenue,Marsh Hawk Press,2005 [reviewed in AmericanBook Review, Boston Review, Publisher’s Weekly, Brooklyn Rail, GalateaResurrects: A Poetry Review, Midwest Book Review, Paterson Review, ConstantCritic].
TheBee Flies in May, Marsh Hawk Press, 2002[reviewed in Sidereality, Home PlanetNews.Muse, Book/Mark].
ArtIs Boring for the Same Reason We Stayed in Vietnam,Domestic Press, 1992 [reviewed in St.Mark’s Poetry Project Newsletter].
Nowhere to Go,Backwoods Broadsides, Orono, Maine. 2004.
Stephen Miller教授将从文学、史学、政治学等多个角度谈论美国的经济平等问题。